
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Celebrating Independence While Mourning Our New Tyranny


On July Fourth, we celebrate the signing of our Declaration of Independence in 1776, when we declared ourselves to be independent from England and a sovereign nation. Another important date is March 4th, 1789, when the Constitution for United States replaced the Articles of Confederation as the supreme law of the land. The Constitution promised US citizens autonomy, civil protections and independence from tyranny.

We the People have remained free of the tyranny of a king but our two major parties have usurped critical components of our autonomy. We the People no longer enjoy self-rule because the Democratic and Republican Parties have taken control over who can serve our
republic. The two parties control who can appear in a debate, what topics are discussed and the debate rules. When the parties decide to tip the scales to favor their preferred candidates in a primary, we are told that the party can do this because they are a private corporation. We shouldn't accept private corporations controlling OUR democracy, established in the Declaration of Independence! We shouldn't be OK with politicians usurping our right to choose who serves OUR republic, as outlined in the Constitution!

How do We the People recover our sovereignty when corrupt politicians refuse to give up power and have virtually insulated themselves from electoral accountability of citizens? The
1st Continental Congress
Continental Congress is the delegation our Founders used to draft our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. A Contemporary Continental Congress or "Citizens' Congress" could be assembled to draft reforms to address the fundamental issues that are currently destroying our democracy and perverting our republic: getting money out of politics, ensuring election integrity and making ethics rules for politicians that are so strict that corruption cannot exist. Today, Americans have a much easier and safer
path to success. Our Founders faced being executed for treason for their efforts to throw off their tyrant and they didn't have the luxury of the internet--or even the Pony Express--to get it done.

What would prevent a Citizens' Congress from becoming corrupt and serving the same interests our government serves? A Citizens' Congress would be comprised of elected delegates who are concerned and patriotic citizens, willing to volunteer their time to drafting the reforms. And no person that has ever run for public office would be allowed to be a delegate.

Why would our government adopt and enact the reforms the Citizens' Congress propose? Nearly 100% of all citizens would agree with and support those reforms, creating a voting bloc so powerful that EVERY politician would be terrified of opposing us. Imagine 200 million or more Americans (citizens currently disaffected by the failures of our political system would become engaged in an effort to reform that system) all demanding of their representatives in Congress to enact the reforms drafted by the Citizens' Congress. Any politician that failed to enact the reforms would be voted out of office in their next election and the supporting citizens would only vote for candidates that have vowed to enact the reforms of our Citizens' Congress.

We the People would be restored as the ultimate political power in our country!

As you watch fireworks tonight, let every gallant stream, red glare and burst of the fireworks display be a reminder that We the People have all the power in the United States and we have everything we need to reclaim our birthright: a country of our own!!!