
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Don't Play "Feedback Loop (TM)"- A Fools' Game

Feedback Loop(TM)- A Fool's Game
So, the majority of you out there tune into the corporate media news to find out what to be outraged about, the television personality--who is paid to tell you whatever will keep their multi-million dollar paycheck rolling in--gives you the so-called "news" and tells you who you should hate and why, allthewhile, another news channel is telling another set of programmed drones the exact opposite. They get you so infuriated with your political opponents that you will do anything to see that their politicians don't get elected. In fact, you'll spend your hard-earned money to stop them! So you donate your money to a political campaign, hoping to inch forward toward your goal of a more perfect union. The political campaigns then give the money back to the media--in the form of campaign advertisement revenue--to tell you who to hate and why. ...And you don't see a problem with this? Take a look at the game board graphic (above) to see what playing the Feedback Loop (TM) game has to offer us.

What have we learned? 1. Do not give money to political campaigns. 2. Don't watch news that is funded by political campaigns. 3. Don't listen to any of their BS. Otherwise, you are fueling the machine of your own demise.

Why not take a look at some of the issues that we would find easier to agree on? The things that politicians and the media don't ever talk about. Like term limits for the US Congress. Like Congress' salary and benefits. Like sensible campaign reform measures. Like politicians picking winners and losers and then leaving government to go work for the winners. Then the winners--with their new influx of wealth--buying the next set of politicians to make sure they are winners again so they can afford to pay the politicians when they leave government to go work for the winners...

Is there not enough danger in that feedback loop for you not to want to stop whatever you are doing and address it? Let's change the game to one that we can actually win. We start by rejecting the dangerous collusion between the media and politicians. Then we go after the dangerous collusion between government and lobbyists/industry.

Or we can wait for a politician to come along and clean the whole broken system. And I'm sure the media will let us know which politician would be best for the job.

News media fails to report truth about Iraq WMDs

Fox News misinforms viewers regarding new START treaty

News media fails to recognize looming financial crisis

News media fails to report accurately on health care reform

Fox News reports scandals involving Republican politicians as scandals by Democrats

News stations air Video News Releases (VNRs) produced by government or corporate sources without disclosure

 ~R. Charan Pagan
information systems technologist, musician, writer, filmmaker
Los Angeles, CA 90017

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