
Friday, November 1, 2013

Some Health Care Issues Examined and Observed In Greater Poltical Context

Who Are the Winners? Who Are the Losers?
Some people claim that eliminating "frivolous" medical malpractice law suits would drastically reduce health care costs. But tort reform is not the game-changer it is claimed to be because the numbers are derived from the assumption that ALL litigation is frivolous and therefore all judgments would be capped at $200,000--or some other arbitrary figure--regardless of the severity of the injury. If you had an operation and the hospital, through their negligence, paralyzed you or removed your healthy kidney instead of your failing one, would $200,000 be adequate compensation? It is not a solution that should be considered. What would give doctors relief from overly burdensome medical malpractice insurance costs would be to force them to pay more in relation to their incidents of negligence. Right now, doctors that never have a claim, pay roughly the same as those that are often negligent and have many claims against them.
The ability to buy and sell insurance across state lines would likely be a good measure for keeping health insurance costs down but it won’t ensure coverage for children who are dying of _________ (fill in the blank) today. The emphasis should be placed on health care first and profits and political ideology second. All of the people controlling the system and the debate would prefer not to have it that way.
But this whole health care issue is a struggle between Republicans, who want to protect the profits of their big campaign donors (insurance companies) and Obama who wants to protect his presidential “legacy” and signature law. Why do we bother fighting to win one of those inconsequential outcomes? We could have far more honest and constructive discussions about health care and all of the partisan sticking points if we first addressed eliminating corruption and creating a fair and honest election system. The reason the misinformation is abound is because politicians want us to vote against our interests and for theirs. So you won’t ever be asked to focus on the corruption and election schemes that both parties engage in. Focusing on those issues doesn’t really help either party and all the politicians are doing just fine with the system as it is. It is only we citizens that suffer. That is the new American Way.
~R. Charan Pagan
information systems technologist, musician, writer, filmmaker
Los Angeles, CA 90017

1 comment:

  1. As you have summed it up in several of your previous blogs, greed and corruption is on both sides. 99% plus or minus of the politicians are bought and paid for by corporations and or private interest groups. I believe true health care can be high quality and provided by the state. Why could a country like Libya under the guidance of Muammar Gaddafi have free high quality healthcare, free housing, and free University level education and America can't. Because exploitation ie. capitalism has been at the heart of every decision that America makes. Greed on both the Republican and Democratic side. From what I have read, the current Affordable Care Act was wrote up by the healthcare insurance providers. I am guessing profit driven companies like Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield Etc. So now if you decide not to enroll you will be monetarily penalized with a fine that increases yearly. Again profit driven. As a former health care provider I know how it is while you are in school where you learn the "Gold Standard" of care. And you really enter your profession thinking you will be able to provide that quality. You even are required to take an oath stating how you will commit yourself to doing what is right no matter what. But as soon as you are hired by a profit driven hospital, dental office etc they put the pressure on you to produce first and treat second. If you don't conform you are considered as one who bucks the system and sooner or later you see that you will be out of a job. In countries like Libya or Cuba when one says he or she wants to be a surgeon, physician or dentist to help people it is highly likely that they are not in it for the money because exorbitant amounts of money are not allowed to be charged nor are person's with these titles paid exorbitant amounts of money. In America, when someone enters these professions a motivating factor will be how much money they will make, and if that is not their philosophy then it will eventually be their philosophy because the greed driven forces around them will drive them to that state of mind and or motivation or they wont be able to survive. I know I will sound cynical with this but America cannot be reformed. It was built through unrighteous means and will eventually die. No, do not call me an American hater. I am just being real.
